Sepp Blatter unveils the official slogan for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups: “Stay at home”


FIFA president Sepp Blatter met with Russian president Vladimir Putin for some kind of congress of despicable humans. He took this opportunity to unveil the official slogan of the 2018 World Cup in response to politicians who don’t think Russia should host it.

From Reuters:

“If a few politicians are not particularly happy that we are hosting the World Cup in Russia, then I always tell them: ‘Well then, stay at home’,” Blatter told reporters at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“2018 World Cup: Just stay home!” sounds like a fitting slogan and one that can be used for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, as well. I’d even go so far as to say that it applies to most major events and social gatherings, but that’s just me.

Blatter’s words are likely directed at the 13 U.S. senators — including Robert Menendez, who is currently fighting corruption charges of his own — who signed a letter urging FIFA to move the 2018 World Cup because of Russia’s action against Ukraine. But they really do apply to everyone who supports basic human rights, and not just a group of politicians more concerned with garnering publicity for themselves by protesting sporting events than improving the lives of their own constituents.


This is what it’s come to for Blatter and the organization he leads: total impunity. Don’t like how FIFA does things? FIFA couldn’t care less because they just don’t have to. Until there are tangible consequences for their actions, they will do whatever they feel like and laugh at anyone who protests. They really should just make their logo a giant middle finger at this point.


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